Next.js starter kit with Firebase and Tailwind

Don't worry about setup and configuration, start building with a fast and secure foundation.

Dark Mode
Have your entire codebase set up for dark and light mode, and give users the option to choose which theme they prefer.

GitHub Actions and Pull Requests

Prevent problems from getting into production.


Run end-to-end tests with Playwright and GitHub Actions to make sure you don't break anything.

Image of Playwright running in GitHub Actions


Lighthouse performance tests in your pull requests for as many pages as you want.

Image of Lighthouse running in GitHub Actions

Data and access

Ensure that users can only see what they should.

Protect your data and require authentication for complete pages, or only for specific content.

šŸŒ For everyone

ServerĀ orĀ ClientĀ rendered.

šŸ”’ Only for logged in users

ServerĀ orĀ ClientĀ rendered.

šŸ•µļø Content for logged in users

ServerĀ orĀ ClientĀ rendered.

Performance and code quality

Making it as easy and safe as possible to create a great product.



100 for performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO.


Tailwind CSS and Prettier working together out of the box.


Preconfigured and optimized for the default ESLint configuration.


100 for performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO.


100 for performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO.

Sitemap.xml generator

Automatically generate the sitemap based on your content.